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Tips for oily skin

   Tips for oily skin Oily skin Oils accumulate in the outer layer of the skin for those who have oily skin, and people with this skin often suffer from pimples, blackheads, skin irritation, and other problems, but there is one advantage for this skin, as the signs of aging and wrinkles appear on it less than dry skin Or regular. The reason for having oily skin is due to genetic factors, or the nature of the foods eaten, and stress has a role in the transformation of the skin to the oily type. Oily skin is characterized by the widening of the pores, and this skin is affected and turns into the oily type in women during puberty and menstruation, or during pregnancy, or menopause, or while taking birth control pills. [1]  Tips for oily skin These are the most important tips for dealing with oily skin: [2] Washing the face twice a day, in the morning and evening, using a gentle cleanser on the skin, to remove dirt and reduce oil on the face, with the need to choose the appropriate lotion

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