Tips for oily skin


Tips for oily skin
Tips for oily skin

Oily skin

Oils accumulate in the outer layer of the skin for those who have oily skin, and people with this skin often suffer from pimples, blackheads, skin irritation, and other problems, but there is one advantage for this skin, as the signs of aging and wrinkles appear on it less than dry skin Or regular. The reason for having oily skin is due to genetic factors, or the nature of the foods eaten, and stress has a role in the transformation of the skin to the oily type. Oily skin is characterized by the widening of the pores, and this skin is affected and turns into the oily type in women during puberty and menstruation, or during pregnancy, or menopause, or while taking birth control pills. [1] 

Tips for oily skin

These are the most important tips for dealing with oily skin: [2]

Washing the face twice a day, in the morning and evening, using a gentle cleanser on the skin, to remove dirt and reduce oil on the face, with the need to choose the appropriate lotion for oily skin.

Use warm water when washing the face, because hot water dries the face and may irritate the skin, and the face must be dried well after washing it, using a soft towel.

Stay away from types of soaps that contain harsh chemicals on the skin, which cause dryness, because the purpose of washing oily skin is to clean it and remove dead skin from pores, and for this, the soap should be intended for oily skin and not for other types of skin.

It is preferable to use products that contain acid such as benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid, as these products are intended for treating acne and have a role in improving oily skin as well.

Use a toner to remove oil, and there are types intended for oily skin, and it is better to contain natural ingredients such as green tea, and toner is used by applying it to a piece of cotton and wiping oily areas of the skin, and after washing the face, a moisturizing cream is used free of oils.

Using medical blotting paper to wipe the face, its use is easy and it takes 15-20 seconds to pull oils from the face, and this paper usually contains salicylic acid or glycolic acid, and it is easy to use on the go, and because its components are acid-based, it is a great treatment for acne as well.

Use a mask to deeply clean the skin whenever needed, and this is to cleanse the skin and extract oils from the pores, and among the best materials for these masks are the clay, honey, and shea butter, preferably once a week.

The use of moisturizing creams without oils, some people who have oily skin do not use moisturizing creams, or masks against the sun, because they believe that it increases oiliness in the skin, but oily skin needs moisturizing and protection from the sun's rays, and there are creams dedicated to these purposes.

Avoid using cosmetics that contain oils, and make-up must be washed and removed from the skin daily before bed, and a make-up remover for dry skin should not be used. Because it is meant to moisturize it and contains sebum substances that build upon the skin, causing clogging of pores.

Use some over-the-counter creams if you suffer from acne and your skin type is oily, and these creams contain benzoyl peroxide, which kills bacteria that build upon the skin and cause acne, and they also contain sulfur and salicylic acid that removes oil from the pores.

Natural mixtures for oily skin

Egg whites

Egg white contains a high percentage of vitamin A, and it effectively fights skin imperfections, in addition to that it maintains oily skin and reduces fat in it. Egg white can be used according to the following method: [1]


One egg white.

Juice of half a lemon.


Take egg white and mix with lemon juice, then spread on the face and leave for 15 minutes.

Wash the face with warm water.

You will notice that the egg white tightens the skin and absorbs the oils from it.


Lemon juice is a good source of citric acid, which is considered one of the astringents on the skin. It also has skin-revealing properties and balances its pH. It can be used according to the following method: [1]

First method:


A teaspoon of lemon juice.

Half a spoonful of water.

A cotton ball.


Mix lemon juice with water.

Wipe the face with the solution using a piece of cotton, and leave it for 10 minutes.

Wash the face with warm water.

The method is repeated once daily.

The second method:


A tablespoon of lemon juice.

Half a tablespoon of honey.

A tablespoon of milk.


Mix the ingredients to make a paste.

Put the mask on the face and leave it for 10-15 minutes.

Wash the face with cold water.

The method is repeated once daily.


Tomatoes have cooling properties for the skin, and their high content of vitamin C is useful for acne-prone skin. They also absorb oils from the skin. They can be used according to the following method: [1]

The ingredients: Half a tomato.


Take the tomato piece and rub it on the face, and leave the tomato juice for at least 15 minutes.

Wash the face with cold water.

Dry the face, then use a moisturizing cream for oily skin.

Note: You can prepare a mask consisting of 3 spoons of tomato juice and one tablespoon of honey.

the banana

Bananas can be used for oily skin in this way: [3]


A ripe banana.

A tablespoon of honey.

Lemon or orange juice.


Put the ingredients in an electric mixer with a few drops of lemon or orange juice.

The mask is placed on the face and left for 15 minutes.

Wash the face and dry it with a hot towel or a cold cloth.

The method is repeated daily.


^   "Home Remedies for Oily Skin",, Retrieved 30-10-2-018. Edited.

↑ "How to Prevent Oily Skin",, Retrieved 30-10-2018. Edited.

↑ "Natural homemade face pack for oily skin: 43 best recipes",, Retrieved 30-10-2018. Edited.


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