Honey benefits for oily skin and acne


Honey benefits for oily skin and acne
Honey benefits for oily skin and acne

Honey for the skin

Honey has been used since ancient times for medicinal purposes, and it is also used for the skin. To get a smooth and clean skin, honey contains antiseptic and moisturizing properties, which makes it a natural treatment for the face, and honey is considered safe to use for all skin types , and skin sensitivity due to honey is a rare condition, but it must be stopped in this case, and raw honey is used to treat the face Where acne cleanses; Because it contains anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties that heal dangerous skin wounds, honey helps exfoliate and regenerate the skin, and honey is a moisturizing agent. Because it contains amino acids that moisturize the skin, honey contains antioxidants that repair the damage caused by free radicals.  [1]

Honey benefits for oily skin

Honey is considered important and necessary for beauty purposes. It contains antiseptic properties, is antibacterial, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory as well. Honey improves the skin in many ways, including: [2]

Hide scars

The scars are uncomfortable and ugly, especially if the scar appears in a visible part of the body, and many people will look for ways to get rid of them in a quick time, knowing that there is a difficulty in treating scars, and honey can be used to lighten them and reduce their appearance, as honey speeds up the healing process, And tissue regeneration, and skin cell regeneration. The method is: [2]


Amount of honey.

An equal amount of virgin coconut or olive oil to the amount of honey.

A piece of cotton.

How to prepare:

Mix the ingredients together.

Apply to the affected area and massage in circular motions for one to two minutes.

Place a warm towel over the area, and leave it on until it cools.

Wipe the clean area with a cotton ball.

Use twice daily.

Treatment of Psoriasis

Psoriasis is an autoimmune disease that affects skin cells, and causes redness, pimples, and itching, honey helps to calm the skin, reduces inflammation, and protects damaged skin from disease, and honey also helps relieve skin dryness and peeling, but it cannot cure This disease. The method is: [2]


A teaspoon of honey.

A teaspoon of olive oil .

A teaspoon of beeswax .

How to prepare:

Put the ingredients in a bowl together, and heat them in a microwave until the beeswax melts.

Stir the homogeneous ingredients, and allow to cool.

Apply to the affected area.

Use multiple times every day.

Treat wounds

Honey helps heal wounds and minor wounds . Because it is an effective bactericide killer, it draws fluids, and keeps it away from the affected area to speed up the healing process, honey prevents the growth of microorganisms, reduces the risk of infection, and manuka honey is used to treat wounds and minor wounds. Because it is of high quality. The method is: [2]


An amount of manuka honey.


How to prepare:

Apply a thick layer of manuka honey to the affected area, and place a bandage over it.

Leave it on for a few hours.

The dressing is removed from the affected area, then the area is cleaned with a damp cloth.

Use again as needed.

Delay skin aging

Honey contains antioxidants that protect the skin from damage to its cells. Because it contains free radicals, free radicals accelerate the aging process that causes wrinkles and fine lines, and honey contributes to keeping the skin moist; For youthful glowing skin. The method is: [2]


Amount of raw honey.

An equal amount of fresh lemon juice.

How to prepare:

Mix the ingredients together well.

Apply to the face and neck area.

It is left to dry on the face on its own, then wash it with warm water.

Use once or twice every week.

Honey blends for the beauty of the skin

Honey natural recipes help treat acne , and get scarred, more glowing skin. [3]

Baking soda and honey: Baking soda exfoliates dead skin cells, and it contains an anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial compound, and mixing baking soda with honey helps reduce acne scars. The method is: [3]


Two teaspoons of raw honey.

A teaspoon of baking soda .

How to prepare:

Mix the ingredients together well.

Apply to acne affected area by fingers.

Rub it gently in circular motions for three to five minutes.

Wash off with warm water.

Turmeric and honey: Turmeric contains antiseptic properties that help with healing. Turmeric has been used in Chinese medicine for centuries, and when mixed with honey, it forms a powerful formula to deal with acne. The method is: [3]


A tablespoon of honey.

A pinch of turmeric.

How to prepare:

Add ingredients, and mix well.

It is applied to the affected areas, then left for 20 minutes.

Wash off with warm water.

Honey and cinnamon: Cinnamon contains anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial properties. The method is: [3]


One to two teaspoons of honey.

A teaspoon of cinnamon powder .

How to prepare:

Mix the ingredients together; To get a thick paste.

Apply to acne scars or the entire face.

Leave the dough, and then wash it with water.

Aspirin and honey: Aspirin is chemically called acetylsalicylic acid that helps dry up pimples, reduces pore size, and hides scars. The method is: [3]


Two to three aspirin tablets.

A teaspoon of honey.

A teaspoon of water.

How to prepare:

Crush aspirin tablets, and add honey and water to make a paste.

Apply a layer of aspirin mask to the acne affected area and leave it to dry.

Leave on the face for 10 minutes.

Wash off with water.


↑ "Uses of Honey for Facial Treatments", www.livestrong.com. Edited.

^ أ ب ت ث ج "10 Amazing Benefits of Honey for Hair and Skin", www.top10homeremedies.com, Retrieved 8-7-2018. Edited.

^ أ ب ت ث ج "How To Use Honey To Remove Acne At Home", www.stylecraze.com, Retrieved 8-7-2018. Edited.



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