Benefits of green tea for oily skin


Benefits of green tea for oily skin
Benefits of green tea for oily skin

Green tea

Green tea has been known since ancient times with its medicinal uses in India and China, and its origin can be traced back to these countries, and green tea belongs to the Camellia sinensis tree. As green tea has many benefits for the body, and this is due to the fact that it contains many antioxidants, and its great importance is due to the fact that green tea does not go through the manufacturing processes that other types of tea go through, as it contains polyphenol compounds (in English: Polyphenol) that are One of the antioxidants that are beneficial for the health of the body , and in this article we will talk about the benefits of green tea for the body and skin, and we will mention some home-prepared blends using green tea. [1] 

Benefits of green tea for oily skin

Green tea has many benefits for oily skin, including the following: [2]

Green tea contains many antioxidants that prevent free radicals to be, and accelerate the process of healing cells and thus prevents the formation of wrinkles, spots that appear with age and sun spots.

Green tea contains Tannins, which is used to treat oily skin from many problems, in addition to shrinking facial pores, and it also contributes to reducing sebum production and removing excess oils in it.

Green tea can be used as a scrub for the skin, it removes dead skin cells and produces new cells, in addition to it removes excess oil from the skin.

Green tea contains many antioxidants and antimicrobials that contribute to the elimination of bacteria that cause acne, in addition to containing anti-inflammatory properties that contribute to reducing the redness caused by acne , and it also helps to solve many problems that cause some hormonal imbalances that Lead to acne. [3]

Green tea reduces scars and acne marks, as a result of dirt and sebum that clogs them. [3]

Green tea blends for oily skin

The first mixture

This mixture is used by making a mask for oily skin, as it is a natural scrub for the face that helps reduce the amount of sebum and oils in it, as it controls acne and reduces its effects and scars, and it can be used on the face by following the following steps: [4]


Two tablespoons of rice flour.

A tablespoon of green tea.

A tablespoon of lemon juice .

Method of preparation and use:

The ingredients are mixed with each other well, to obtain a homogeneous mixture.

Apply the mixture to the face, making sure not to touch the mouth and eyes.

Leave the mixture to dry completely or for 15 minutes.

Wash the face with cold water, and dry it lightly.

Repeat this method 1-2 times per week.

The second mixture

This mixture helps to control the amount of oil and sebum and provides the face with an amount of vitamin C , in addition to that it nourishes the skin, and it hides dark spots on the face, and it can be used on the face by following the following steps: [4]


A tablespoon of green tea leaves.

A tablespoon of lemon juice.

Method of preparation and use:

Mix the ingredients together to get a smooth mixture, and add a little water if the mixture is not homogeneous.

Apply the mixture on the face, avoiding applying it to the eyes and mouth.

Leave the mixture on the face for 10 minutes.

Rinse the face with cold water and dry it well.

Repeat this method once a week.

Other benefits of green tea

Green tea contains many nutrients and chemical compounds that are beneficial for health and the body, and its benefits for the body are as follows: [5]

Green tea can contribute to an increase in weight loss, as it increases the process of burning body fat, especially in the abdomen, according to what has been indicated by many studies, and reduces the risk of obesity, but it should be noted that there is a difference in the results of studies.

Green tea contains many antioxidants in large quantities, such as polyphenols, which reduce the formation of free radicals that cause inflammation and cell damage, and it also contains many other antioxidants that reduce the risk of many types of cancer, such as cancer Breast, colon and rectum.

Green tea can enhance brain functions, such as improving mood, memory, reaction, and alertness, and despite the low amount of caffeine in this tea, the amount in it is able to give the necessary response without causing an increase in the level of nervousness and the occurrence of symptoms that are associated with Consuming large amounts of caffeine.

Can green tea protects the brain in old age , older, and reduces the risk of several diseases of injury, including: Alzheimer 's disease ( in English: Alzheimer's disease) and Parkinson 's disease ( in English: Parkinson's disease) , who are among the nervous system diseases.

Green tea can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, as well as reduce the amount of total and bad cholesterol (LDL). It protects its particles from oxidation processes, and it may reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes, as it has been found to reduce blood sugar levels and improve the body's sensitivity to insulin.

Tea contains catechins, which prevents the growth of bacteria and some types of viruses, as well as reduces the risk of infection.

Green tea improves dental health, reduces the risk of cavities, and reduces unacceptable bad breath.


↑ Megan Ware (2017-3-28), "Green tea: Health benefits, side effects, and research" , , Retrieved 2018-11-7. Edited.

↑ Jayne Leonard (2016-8-1), "8 Reasons You Should Start Putting Green Tea On Your Face + Recipes!" , , Retrieved 2018-11-7. Edited.

^ A b Meenal Rajapet (2018-5-9), "How To To the Use the Green Tea To Treat Acne" , , Retrieved 2018-11-7. Edited.

^ A b Meenal Rajapet (2018-2-20), "12 the Green Tea For Face Packs , by Different Skin Types" , , Retrieved 2018-11-7. Edited.

↑ Kris Gunnars, "10 Proven Benefits of Green Tea" , , Retrieved 2018-11-7. Edited.


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