Benefits of pomegranate peel for oily skin


Benefits of pomegranate peel for oily skin
Benefits of pomegranate peel for oily skin


The pomegranate is a fruit belonging to the lobule pomegranate, its branches bear simple leaves facing each other, and single or grouped flowers in red birch, and the pulpy fruits with a thick leather cover and divided into eight compartments. Pomegranate is native to the coasts of the Mediterranean, Iraq, Lebanon, Palestine, and most of the Arab world , and it grows in the spring season, and it is a cool, moist, fragrant plant. [1] 

The nutritional value of pomegranate

Pomegranate and its peels contain alkaloid compounds, the most important of which are albuterin and galutanic acid. The seeds also contain vitamins, sugars, proteins, fatty substances and organic acids, the most important of which is citric acid. [1] The following table shows the nutritional composition of every 100 grams of natural pomegranate: [2]

The nutrient component Nutritional value

Calories 83 calories

Starches 18.7 grams

Protein 1.67 g

Total fat 1.17 g

Dietary fiber 4 grams

Folic acid 38 mcg

Vitamin B3 0.293 milligrams

Vitamin B5 0.135 milligram

Vitamin B6 0.075 milligram

Vitamin B2 0.053 milligram

Vitamin B1 0.067 milligram

Vitamin A 0 international units 

vitamin C 10.2 milligrams

Vitamin E. 0.6 mcg

Vitamin K. 16.4 mcg

sodium 3 milligrams

potassium 236 milligrams

Calcium 10 milligrams

Capper 0.158 milligram

iron 0.3 milligrams

Magnesium 12 milligrams

Manganese 0.119 mcg

Phosphorous 36 mcg

Selenium 0.5 micrograms

zinc 0.35 milligrams

benefits of pomegranate

Many studies have proven the multiple benefits of pomegranate, which include the seeds and peel, as the pomegranate fruit is an effective treatment for many health problems. Because of its high content of antioxidants, natural compounds, and dietary fibers of both types: soluble and insoluble, which enhance various body functions and protect it from diseases and toxins: [3] Among the most important benefits of pomegranate are the following: [3] [4]

It reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease, strokes and heart attacks.

Reduces high blood pressure .

It protects against diabetes.

Reduces cholesterol in the blood.

Protects against osteoporosis, which usually affects women in menopause, after menopause , and low levels of the hormone estrogen. Where it was found that pomegranate contains a similar substance that works the same as estrogen in the body.

Fights and prevents damage to body cells, and diseases of arthritis, as recent research has shown that pomegranate contains an enzyme that reduces and slows down the speed of cartilage damage.

It reduces the incidence of various cancers, especially prostate cancer , lymphoma, and breast cancer, and prevents the spread and development of cancer cells, if any. This is due to its high content of antioxidants that protect the body from toxins, and rid the body of free radicals that are involved in the formation and development of cancer cells.

Helps in weight control, promotes weight loss and fat burning; Because of its high content of dietary fiber, which facilitates the work of the digestive system, and purifies the liver from toxins, which promotes and increases fat burning processes in the body.

Relieves symptoms of diarrhea, prevents constipation , and regulates the work of the intestine and digestive system; Because of its high content of dietary fiber.

Skin benefits of pomegranate

The great benefit of pomegranate is concentrated in its oil extracted from the husk of its seeds, as it has proven its clear and significant effect on nourishing, protecting and giving the skin a vital and healthy appearance, and pomegranate oil delays skin aging, and treats skin pigmentation problems. Oil contains enzymes that act like the hormone estrogen , thus contributing to skin regeneration and deal with wrinkles and fine cells, also contains a high concentration of fatty acids that act like antioxidants in the regeneration of skin cells and keep them from contaminants and toxins, and treatment offer lines of the age of skin: [5] and The most important benefits of pomegranate for skin are the following: [5]

Peel the face and hands by mixing a spoonful of honey, two tablespoons of ground oats , and one tablespoon of pomegranate juice, and this mixture is applied to the face and hands while continuing to massage, then leave it for 10 minutes and wash it well after that, but it is not recommended to use this mixture for skin owners Kind.

Peel off normal and oily skin, remove dead cells, and clean the face , by mixing one tablespoon of honey with three tablespoons of ground almonds, one teaspoon of lemon juice, in addition to some pomegranate seeds to form a homogeneous paste, and it is applied and rubbed gently on the skin, then Wash it off after 10 minutes to get clear skin.

Exfoliating the skin, concealing imperfections, and whitening dark spots concentrated on the face, and this is done by mixing one tablespoon of water with the juice of one lemon, a quarter tablespoon of olive oil and the same amount of table salt, in addition to pomegranate juice , after that it is recommended to apply this mixture on the face And massaging it while avoiding reaching the eye area, the mixture is left for 10 minutes on the face and then washed with warm water, and it is recommended to apply this mixture once or twice a week.

The benefits of pomegranate peel for oily skin

Oily skin needs a lot of care to reduce its problems, increase the secretion of oils and hide the shine on the forehead and the nose in particular, in addition to the problem of pimples and acne that results from the imbalance of the glands of the oily skin; Where the pores of the skin are closed and are covered with small lumps known as acne, in contrast, some people with oily skin may suffer from the opening of the skin pores. Oily skin causes inconvenience to its owners, but there are many steps and guidelines that can be followed to reduce its problems. Such as using appropriate face cleansers daily and washing them with lukewarm water, and the use of oil-free sunscreens, and oily skin owners are advised to use only oil-free moisturizers, such as natural moisturizing masks. [6] [7]

Pomegranate peel has many aesthetic benefits for oily skin, and pomegranate peel is also used in many of its natural recipes. What is meant here is the pomegranate peel is the entire inner and outer shell that wraps the seeds, with the exception of the inner yellow core, the bitter taste: [8] Among the benefits of pomegranate peel for oily skin What follows: [8] [9]

Fights acne, pimples and rashes; Because of its richness in antioxidants that fight bacteria and infections, a mask can be made from pomegranate peel after drying, grinding and mixing it with lemon juice or rose water, where the mask can be applied to the entire face, especially in places where acne collects, and left for 20 minutes before washing it.

Moisturizes the skin and protects it from pollutants and toxins, it also restores the pH balance in the skin, and keeps the skin soft and supple, and it can be applied by drying, grinding and mixing it with milk to form an easy-to-use paste, and then the paste is spread on the face and neck for 10 minutes before washing it with water The cold.

It protects the skin from harmful sun rays, by mixing it with a suitable cream and applying it to the face 20 minutes before going out.

Other benefits of pomegranate peel

Pomegranate peel has many other benefits for the beauty of skin and hair, and among the most important aesthetic benefits of pomegranate peel are the following: [8]

Pomegranate peel powder is used to prevent the sun's rays and reduce the risk of skin cancer , and this is done by mixing it with a group of volatile oils and vitamin E oil, and then applying this mixture to the skin to obtain protection from the sun and the burns that may result from it.

Pomegranate peel powder can be used to exfoliate the skin and remove dead cells by mixing it with brown sugar and olive oil, massaging the skin with this mixture and then washing it with lukewarm water.

Promotes hair health and fights dandruff ; Because of its high content of minerals and antioxidant compounds.

It treats wrinkles and signs of skin aging, by mixing pomegranate peel powder with olive oil, avocado or milk, and then applying it to the skin for 15 minutes before washing it with lukewarm water.


^ A b Prof. Abdel Basset Mohamed El - Sayed and O.abd Tawab Abdullah Hussein (2010), Encyclopedia mother for treatment plants and medicinal herbs (fourth edition), Cairo: Alpha Publishing and Distribution, page 501. Adapted.

↑ "09286, Pomegranates, raw" , USDA Nutrient Database , Retrieved 22-12-2016.

^ A b Sunrise Maliki (2015), "more and more about the benefits of pomegranate!" , Webteb , briefed him on 22.12.2016. Acted.

↑ “Facts about Antioxidants and Cancer Prevention” , King Abdullah Bin Abdulaziz Arab Encyclopedia of Health Content , 2012, accessed 1-25-2017. Acted.

^ A b Web Medicine (2016), "pomegranate: improves health, and nourishes the skin" , Webteb , briefed him on 22.12.2016. Acted.

↑ Sunrise Maliki (2016), "fatty skin problems and ways to deal with it?" Webteb , review it 2-2-2017. Acted.

↑ "Time to treat acne and oily skin!" , Webteb , 2013, accessed 2-2-2017. Acted.

^ A b t Sunrise Maliki (2016), " the benefits of pomegranate peel wonderful for the health of your bones and your heart" , Webteb , briefed him on 22.12.2016. Acted.

↑ Debjani Arora (2016), "11 health benefits of pomegranate peel you never knew!" , The health site , Retrieved 2-2-2017. Edited.



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