How to download the rumen in men


How to download the rumen in men
How to download the rumen in men

The rumen in men

The rumen, or what is called abdominal obesity (in English: abdominal obesity), is known as the presence of an excessive amount of fat in the abdominal area, and it makes the body look like an apple or a wheel, and the distribution of fat in this way is more common in men, [1] [2] It should be noted That whatever the weight of the body, the presence of large amounts of fat in the abdominal area increases the risk of developing cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, insulin resistance, high blood pressure, and sleep apnea (English: Sleep apnea). [3] 

There are two common methods of measuring the rumen: They are the measurement of the waist circumference (in English: the waist circumference), and the waist-to-hip ratio (in English: the waist-to-hip ratio), [4] and when measuring the circumference of the waist, obtaining a number greater than 101.6 centimeters indicates that the man suffers from abdominal obesity or The rumen, but when measuring the ratio of the waist circumference to the hip, obtaining a number greater than 0.95 indicates an increased risk of a man having a heart attack or stroke. [1]

How to download the rumen in men

Body weight depends on 3 main factors; Age, the amount of calories consumed during the day, and the amount of calories that the body burns through daily exercise. Therefore, eating a lot of food with a lack of exercise leads to weight gain and the appearance of the rumen, and although getting rid of the belly is difficult, but There are many things that can be followed to reduce excess belly fat, and in the following, [3] [5] It is worth noting that there is no one simple and quick solution or one diet to get rid of the rumen. [6]

General tips to get rid of the rumen

Here are some tips that help get rid of the rumen:

Limit your intake of added sugar: Added sugar is an unhealthy option. As it does not provide the body with vitamins or minerals, and eating large amounts of it can lead to weight gain, and it has been found that eating large amounts of added sugar leads to the formation of visceral fat in healthy adults, according to what one indicated Studies published in The Journal of Nutrition in 2014, [7]Especially since fructose makes up 50% of the content of these added sugars, and your intake can be reduced by increasing the intake of whole foods. Such as fresh fruits, vegetables, fish, and lean meats. It has also been shown that consuming starches instead of sugars such as fructose while maintaining the amount of calories reduces the formation of fat in the liver and the level of visceral fat, according to what was indicated by a study conducted on children with suffering From obesity due to their high consumption of these sugars, and it was published in the journal Gastroenterology in 2017. [8] [9]

Eat foods rich in soluble fibers : Soluble fibers mix with water to form a sticky, jelly-like substance that helps slow down the transfer of digested food from the stomach to the small intestine, and when it reaches the colon by bacteria in the digestive tract, it ferments and turns into short-chain fatty acids. Which is the main source of nourishment through the colon. These acids contribute to increasing the hormones associated with feelings of satiety and fullness, as indicated by a study published in Diabetes in 2012, [10] and reducing the hormones of feeling satiety, such as; Ghrelin, as it may help reduce visceral fat by suppressing the appetite. [9]

A study published in Obesity in 2012 indicated that increasing the amount of soluble fiber intake reduced the risk of increased visceral fat by up to 3.7%, [11] and the amount of fiber intake could be increased by increasing the intake of sweet potatoes , grains, legumes, and seeds. Linen. [9]

Reducing the intake of unhealthy fats: Saturated and trans fats are considered unhealthy sources of fats that are harmful to heart health, and these fats can cause weight gain and are associated with the formation of visceral fats. Therefore, it is recommended to limit the intake of trans fats, and reduce the amount of saturated fats consumed to less than 7% of the total daily caloric needs, and the amount of fat consumed should not exceed 20-30% of the total calories. [12]

Eat foods that contain protein: Protein is essential for weight maintenance. Eating more of it contributes to an increase in the satiety hormone called peptide YY (in English: PYY), which reduces the appetite and stimulates the feeling of fullness, as well as protein contributes to raising metabolism rates, and helps to maintain muscle mass during weight loss. [5]

A 2012 study published in Nutrition & Metabolism indicated that increasing protein intake may reduce belly fat. [13] Examples of good protein sources are meat, eggs, fish, beans, dairy products, and whey protein. [5]

Get enough sleep: Sleep is essential for many aspects of health. As weight; Failure to get enough sleep can lead to weight gain and the risk of obesity. Weight is greater, because it disrupts the metabolism and endocrine glands, reduces the satiety hormone, glucose and insulin sensitivity, raises the level of the hormone cortisol, and the hormone feeling hunger, appetite, according to what referred to a review published in Current Opinion in Clinical Nutrition and Metabolic Care magazine in 2011, [14] also found observational observational study published in the journal Obesity in 2014 to reduce the duration of sleep increased accumulation of visceral fat in the body, [ 15]

It has also been found that there is a relationship between high visceral fat and the occurrence of what is known as sleep apnea. It is a condition in which breathing stops intermittently during the night, according to a study published in The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism in 2000, [16] and therefore it is recommended to get enough restful sleep of at least 7 hours. [5]

Reducing stress: The body produces the hormone cortisol, which helps the body deal with stress , and in severe cases of stress, this hormone may affect the metabolism, and people usually resort to eating to relieve feelings of anxiety and tension, and cortisol causes the accumulation of excess calories around the area The abdomen or rumen and other areas of the body to use when needed. [17]

Drinking water: Drinking water helps to increase the speed of weight loss for some people, as it reduces the risk of infections, improves the digestive process, and maintains muscle moisture in order to improve performance during exercise, and the body gets rid of toxins. [18]

Tips to increase physical activity to get rid of the rumen

Increasing physical activity helps burn more calories from fat, and it is advised for people with office work to take some time to practice stretching exercises (English: Stretching), [12] Here are some tips for increasing physical activity and getting rid of the rumen:

Aerobic exercise exercises: (English: Aerobic exercise and cardio), a group of exercises that include increasing the speed of the heartbeat; Swimming , running, and rope skipping, the more intense and prolonged the exercise, the more calories burned. [19]

It is recommended to do moderate-intensity exercises at least 5 times a week for a period of 30 minutes, and it should be noted that walking includes this in the event that you notice an increase in the level of breathing and sweating, and a rapid heart rate, and to obtain the same results within a shorter period, it is recommended to do high-intensity exercises 4 times a The week is 20 minutes long. Like walking or jogging (English: jogging). [20]

Doing high -intensity interval training: These exercises can be more effective than aerobic exercises in getting rid of the rumen, as they include short periods of high-intensity exercises; Such as running, cycling, and jogging for a specific distance during a specified period (in English: Sprinting), followed by low-intensity exercises, during which the heartbeat is accelerated, and a treadmill (in English: Treadmill) can be used to apply the above by controlling the speed and duration. [21]

Exercising strength exercises: (In English: Strength training), which contribute to increasing muscle strength, and improve body weight; This is because muscles burn more calories compared to fat, and strength training can help reduce the risk of osteoporosis and other chronic diseases, and therefore it is recommended to do it 3 times a week. Examples include: lifting weights or yoga. [12]

Is there a quick way to burn belly fat

As mentioned previously, there is no quick solution to get rid of belly fat and rumen. As there is still no drug approved by the US Food and Drug Administration to reduce belly fat, and the supplements that are promoted as a quick solution to get rid of the rumen are not regulated or based on scientific research, and it should be noted that there is no diet also dedicated to losing Belly fat only, and when you follow any healthy diet to lose weight , the first thing that is lost from the body is belly fat. [6] [20] It is also worth noting that exercising with a weight-loss diet is better for losing visceral fat. [22]


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